Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Fall

I guess it's time for a little blogging update. We have been busy with school and our church responsibilities, we haven't done a lot where I've taken pictures. I just have a few funny things that happened at home and I remembered to grab the camera.

I was busy a couple of weekends ago with my latest project - finding an old hutch and fixing it up to use as a bookcase. Here's the finished product - I love the color. It's Sherwin Williams Halcyon Green (even though its the perfect Robin's Egg blue color if you ask me, not at all green) if anybody's interested.

Anyway, after getting that finished, I needed to clean my neglected house. The kids were busily playing (quietly, which should have tipped me off) while I was able to get my kitchen cleaned and some loads of laundry done. When I finally checked on them, I realized the error of my ways....

Do you ever feel like you're working against yourself? (That's my binder of everything for my responsibilities at church and some red crayon that I LUCKILY found only on the bathtub. Oh my.)

Finally, these two have been having so much fun together. Davis always wants to do everything Addie does. Addie is obsessed with everything girly (necklaces, painting her fingernails) and princesses (thank you, cousin Camilla) which explains how I found them brushing their teeth the other night:

Yes, that's nakedness with just a necklace on. The girl loves her accessories.

He loves his big sister!

Also, watch for an update this week of Addie and her first day of preschool. We found a great little church literally up the street from us that does a one morning a week preschool for 2 year olds turning 3. She went to an orientation this week and fell in love with Miss Ashlie and Miss Stefanie.
A lot of my friends here in Omaha are homeschoolers, and through them I have found a great resource that I am going to start using with both of kids here at home. It's a site called "No Time For Flashcards" and she has the best ideas for crafts with toddlers/preschoolers as well as "letter of the day" lesson plans complete with corresponding book recommendations and craft projects. I'll let you know how it goes!

P.S. A week from today is Jeremy and I's (or is it me? I never know) 6 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Needless to say we have grand plans....maybe a Redbox and some takeout after the kids are asleep???


  1. I WANT that hutch. That really is the perfect color! You are so talented! Addie and Davis are getting so big, and they're so cute together. Happy Anniversary - I can't believe it's been 6 years.

  2. Your hutch turned out really cute! I'm glad you explained about the color, because I was wondering why is was green - I thought I was turning color blind! Love the accessories, I hope Carlee starts loving on those too!

  3. The shelf thing looks great. Your kids are getting so big and it makes me excited to have two. Please share what you think of the homeschool thing.

  4. Love the kids brushing there teeth, they are so cute. I am so jealous of the hutch I really want to do some major decorating because of you and all your cute projects. Oh if only I was as creative as you.

  5. Fun times! Look at those personlities shine through! Dates are harder to come by when you've got kids...

  6. You should let me watch your kids for you! It's the least I can do after you feeding Bear and cleaning out his kennel!

  7. Gotta love those accessories... Camilla couldn't be w/o several during FHE tonight...

    I ALMOST bought me a hutch today. Then there was SOOO much interest, she asked me to match what others were offering. I decided not to. So, I guess I haven't found MY hutch yet. And, yes, we're STILL sanding. It's going to take me at least the rest of the week because I have so much going on w/the kids.

  8. You are so creative. That hutch looks so cute!!

    Also, wanted to wish you a happy anniversary when it comes!! Six years sure goes fast! I can't believe it. I remember as if it were yesterday going to your bridal shower. :)

  9. We totally miss you guys!!!!!!!!!! Your kids have grown sooooo much in the last 6 weeks! Love your hutch makeover. Hope you are all doing well!!!

  10. I love the pictures of your adorable kids! How fun!

    Happy Anniversary! Our number five is this Friday; I can't believe it goes by so quickly!
