Wednesday, August 25, 2010

End of August Update

The summer is flying by and either we are being lazy and don't have  anything to blog about, or we are too busy to have time to sit and blog.

Here's a quick update of what we've been up to.  Most of these pictures  are taken with my cell phone, because honestly, it's the only "camera" I  ever have with me on a regular basis.

Both kids went to the dentist for a check-up.  Addie insists on wearing her "jewelry" whenever we go anywhere, including the dentist.  You can kind of see her purple necklace up by her neck in this picture.  Davis also went for the first time and wasn't quite sure what to think, but did great.

He wasn't too happy here.

He warmed up though!

Loves her accessories. Thank you, Fancy Nancy.

The movie theaters around here do free kids movies in the morning during the week.  I took the kids to a few of them and they loved it.  It was so fun and they did great - I went by myself with both kids and had no troubles.  (I just had to make sure to time the potty breaks correctly!!)

The kids would get really excited when the lights would dim and the movie would start.  I took this picture and it had to flash so it's really bad but you can see how excited they are and their little dance moves. 

One of our very best little friends has Juvenile Diabetes and we walked with her and a group of our friends in the JDRF Walk for a Cure a few weeks ago.  It was hooooooot, so hot, but the kids did great and this is the only picture I got of the thing - getting our face painted at the end.   

Davis got cookie monster and Addie got a rainbow.  I have no idea why D is barefoot here.  Nice.

Jeremy and I continued what is now becoming a summer tradition and saw a great concert with a band we have been wanting to see for a long time - Weezer (last summer it was Coldplay).  Rivers came off the stage and came right by us - ALSO like Coldplay last  summer, except Rivers just walked up and Coldplay was flanked by  security. 

{Following detail may only be interesting to Britt}
It was soooo good, they played an amazing set, tons of old stuff.  They also sang a bit of GaGa's Pokerface mashed up ("Glee"-style) with MGMT "Kids" (LOVE this song - google it now if you don't know what i'm talking about - but do yourself a favor and play it from there and don't youtube the video it's FREAKY and weird.)  Anyway, where was I?  It was great and so fun to just be with Jeremy.
We were the oldest/most dressed out of everybody.  I'm thinking there's a big diff between attending a rock concert in Idaho versus a college-town in the midwest.

The "W"

Oh hi, that's Rivers Cuomo (lead singer) RIGHT BY US.  Unfortunately we had no cups of beer to hold up for him, but we still got a great picture!  Ha ha.

End of show.
As for Jeremy, he just had his first call shift - 36 hours.  It wasn't too bad for me - he said he got 4 hours of sleep, which is more than the residents working overnight, so he can't complain.  The kids seem to miss him when he's not here and are acting up, but preschool starts soon as well as gymnastics for Addie so we will start getting into a good routine.  His resident likes to round early (6:30 am) so he has to leave to pre-round by 5 am.  But, he is doing great and the director of the Internal Med residency keeps telling him to consider it, but it's his first rotation, so he has lots to go through before making a decision!


  1. Thanks for the support for Juvenile Diabetes! You guys are awesome and we miss you!

  2. Good ol' Weezer is headlining here with Green Day in September (thanks ASU) and part of me really wants to go. But you're right - I'd be over dressed and not drinking. Hm . . . I'll have to mull it over.

    I am jealous of your life. It rocks.

  3. That looks like so much fun! I'm jealous that you guys have free kids movie days. I would love to take Carlee, but I'm just not sure it's worth paying money for in case she won't sit through it! I can't believe how big the kids are getting - seriously, next time you come in town, give us a call!!!

  4. Sounds like you're having a GREAT summer! Miss you guys!

  5. Fun, fun! Loved seeing what you guys have been up to! Love that Addie loves her accessories! Every girl must accessorize. :)

    LOVE Weezer! I saw them when I was in college. Such fun!

  6. Sounds like a pretty fun-filled summer! Hopefully cooler days (but not TOO cool) are on their way!
