Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Davis at the Dentist

The kids had their dentist check-ups last week. This was Davis' first time for x-rays. The poor kid was so confused because they told him they were taking a picture of his teeth. He hears picture so he thinks smile, but wasn't sure if he should so he kept smiling and then stopping, kept opening and closing his eyes, all sorts of funny things. This kid keeps me laughing (or crying) all day long.


  1. He looks so big! Can't believe he'll be THREE soon!!! I remember when you called when you were in labor with him...doesn't seem three years ago!

  2. Ha ha!! So cute!! We always have to say "take a picture of your teeth" to all the kids because they don't get all the whole x-ray things. But we usually can't get x-rays until they are 4 or 5 so that is great that they did that on Davis so young!! =) He looks so big and so cute.
