Monday, July 11, 2011

Picture Update

Wow, so haven't updated since February which is slightly embarrassing, but what are you gonna do? Life keeps trucking along here in Omaha. I can' t even remember what I have missed posting. I guess here's the highlights:

In January, we found this out: 

In February, this guy had a birthday:

In March: this guy had his appendix out (while on his surgery rotation which is highly ironic. The surgeon was even kind enough to provide me with 8.5x11 photos of his inflamed appendix for Jeremy to look at later. Uhhhh...thanks.)

 Then a week later, this dude turned 3!: 

In April, my best friend Jentry came to visit and we took off to Kansas City, Mo for the weekend. This is the only pic I have on my phone from the trip - the Kansas City temple under construction:

In May, we found a new (to us) car for expanding brood and drove to central Kansas to pick it up.....:

.....And had to reroute ourselves on the drive home because tornadoes had closed the interstate back to not joking (this picture doesn't do it justice).

And also in May we got the amazing news that my brother and his family were moving to Omaha!!!! Here's Addie with her newest cousin, baby Gabe.

In June, we went swimming and took rides in our bike trailer:

Also in June, the kids and I flew to Idaho for a couple of weeks to visit family and throw a couple of baby showers for 2 of my sweet and wonderful sisters-in-law. We also visited California and DISNEYLAND - separate post.

July has been one big party so far. Having cousins in town is pretty dang fun. We are also lucky enough to have ANOTHER brother (this time it's Jeremy's!) moving to Omaha the end of this month to start school at the Med Center. Things are pretty non-stop but we're having fun!


  1. Fun stuff! Jeremy you look great by the way. Nat, I want more belly. ;-)

  2. I love reading the updates. Thanks for sharing!

  3. P.S. what kind of car? I love it, it's classy :)
