Saturday, July 18, 2009

Like Father...... son.

(My camera is dead and I have no AA batteries in the house [how did this happen?] and don't feel like attempting to go to the store with two ornery [hard to believe? really, really ornery] children, so this is a cell phone picture. It will have to do.)


  1. SO Cute! Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!

  2. That's a pretty good picture for a cell phone! He's so cute - I can't wait for our girls night in the Pilot (no, we don't have to hang out in the Pilot, I just figured we could drive it...)! :)

  3. Great picture, I love it when kids do grownup things. They are so sweet you just want to eat them up.

  4. that's really funny. kind of like when addie nurses her dolls. is this what our children are learning from us??? to feed children and use the computer, well i guess that will get them through life. sorry abiut the no capitalization. i'm typing with one finger.
