Monday, November 23, 2009

Not much to report...

Sorry for the lack of updates. We have been having fun this fall with our friends and each other.

Davis and Addie are the best little playmates. It's been so fun to watch their relationship grow.
The other day I was working on a project in Addison's room and Davis was in his room playing
with his trains and I heard Addie trying to convince him to come play with her downstairs. It went like this: (in super sweet voice) "Davis, do you wanna come play with me downstairs? It will be really fun. Let's go play with the cushions (they always play with the couch cushions). Davis, let's go play!" It was so funny to hear her in their trying to negotiate with him.

Davis started nursery last month and hated it! He cried and cried and was just so sad about going in. Even with Addie in there! (It probably doesn't help that there are thirty kids in our nursery.) He's getting better now. We let him take his blanket with him and he's doing better. It was so weird to have the kid that was afraid of nursery and heart-breaking at the same time. They are just so different.

Jeremy has a big cardiology test on Wednesday morning and has spent 80 hours at the school the past week between classes and studying. I was feeling sorry for myself when it hit me that's the average work week of a resident. So I'm trying to have a good attitude about it since I know I will look back and think these were the easy days! It helps that my parents are flying in on Tuesday for Thanksgiving and I'm staying busy with Christmas gift projects.

I honestly haven't taken any photos of the kids lately. These are all taken with my phone:

The indoor waterpark here was doing free admission in early afternoons for the whole month of November. I went with both kids and met some friends with their kids. Davis and Addie were a little nervous about the water at first, but eventually warmed up.

We went to Costco a few weeks ago and Addie loved this princess bike. It was so funny to see her sitting on a bike! She even pedaled down the aisle a little bit, but was nervous about falling the whole time. I tried explaining that with the training wheels she wasn't going anywhere, but she wasn't buying it.

We always laugh because Davis does the goofiest things. He's just a little boy I guess. Anyway, he has started to try undressing himself after he wakes up from his naps and in the morning. Sometimes I'll come in and his pajamas are halfway unzipped or whatever. Well, the other day he apparently tried to take his shirt off after nap time but it got stuck!

I will take some better pictures this week and get them up here! Hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm glad you'll get to see your family for Thanksgiving, that will be fun! Love the picture of Addison on the princess bike, I think she looks more like you in that one than I've ever thought before! Cute!

  2. I loved the dialogue between Addison and Davis. It reminds me of me and my brother when I would try to convince him to play house and he would try to get me to reenact UTAH-BYU football games.

  3. Cute Photos. So sorry Davis is not loving nursery. What will you do with both children in nursery now? Hope thanksgiving goes well.
