Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't See This Every Day...

After a LONG day yesterday, I put Davis to bed and was going to let Addie stay up for a while with me so she could actually see Jeremy since he's been getting home late.

We were hanging out downstairs when Jeremy called me and said to look out in the backyard. I ran out there and this is what Addie and I saw:

Apparently when Jeremy was calling me it was directly over our backyard. He said it almost hit some power lines. He pulled in to our neighborhood and said the two women in the chase car were trying to pull the tethers down and were struggling, so he got out of his car and helped pull it down. Luckily it landed in our neighborhood park (right up the street) and everything was ok.

WOW! Not a typical Monday. I'm glad Addie was up, she thought it was so neat and kept talking about how it looked like the "big balloon on Thomas (the Train)."


  1. Wow! How crazy, but fun to see. Looks like you had a fun trip!

  2. Oh there is no mama's boy here . . . just somebody who appreciates his mom. Trust me, I'm done with mama's boys :)

  3. And on second read of your comment - are you saying I am all drama so that's why he's perfect for me!?
