Friday, March 27, 2009

Davis is ONE!

So today is Davis' first birthday. I was rocking him before bed last night and he had passed out in my arms. I have a pretty firm rule that I lay him in his crib drowsy but still awake - but I just couldn't help it. I'm sure this is normal to feel with your youngest, but he is just growing up WAY TOO FAST. STOP! We gave him a fork to eat with last night and he totally nailed it like, on his first try. (This kid takes his mealtimes VERY seriously.)

Having Davis was one of the best days of my life - so was the day I had Addie, but her labor was so long and horrible that the excitement waned and exhaustion set in around hour 20. My favorite memories of my labor with Addie are when it was over and we finally got to meet her.

With Davis, things went so fast and smooth, it really gave us time to enjoy the whole experience! (Although I will admit, driving home to get my bags and say goodbye to Addie after my midwife told me to get to the hospital because I was dilated to a 5 almost a 6 was probably not the best does make us laugh looking back.)

Here I am (post epidural, obviously!) getting ready to deliver Davis. We were so excited to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl!

It was so cool when Jeremy delivered Davis (with a little guiding from my midwife) and having Jeremy be the one who told us it was a BOY! (We are SOOO doing it that from now on....totally worth it.)

One of the best things about this past year was watching Addie and Davis' relationship grow. It has been quite a year and I love to see them interacting and playing together.

(Addie meeting Davis in the hospital. Oh my gosh, she was so little!)

Playing together about a month ago at the Children's Museum. Watching them grow up together has been a total blessing.

Davis a few days old.

Davis a few days ago!

We feel so blessed to have these guys in our life! As sad as it is that time seems to be flying, it's also so fun to watch their personalities and independence grow.



  1. I'm glad we can laugh about that now, but I remember at the time there was definitely no laughter when you left Addie and she had no clue how much her life would change! Addie does look sooo young in that pic! Love you Big D!

  2. I cant believe it's been a year. WOW! He is so cute. I love how chunky he was as a baby. Chunky babies are the best.

  3. I remember when Tyler and I were still engaged and apartment hunting when we got the call from Jeremy telling us that Davis was born. Happy Birthday Davis! We love you!

  4. I love being a grandma!!! Davis is a doll and it is hard to believe he is one. Yes, they do grow up too fast. Give him a hug from Grandma Joy. Tell Addie I love her too.

  5. I miss the kid so much. Cant believe how young your Addy looked when he was born. That was good day when Davis came. So glad I was able to be a part of it.

  6. Oh my gosh, You look sooo good I don't even care if it is post epidural. I'm totally jealous. Glad the birthday was fun.

  7. He is looking more like Jeremy...he's going to pass up Addie soon!
