Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Fever

Jeremy and I have gotten into American Idol this year - totally on accident. I usually watch the auditions and then that's it. But we saw ONE audition that we just thought was so funny and we loved. Anyway, here's a shout-out to Anoop. We weren't home last night so Kater was nice enough to text me the play by play of him making it to the top thirteen.

It was 70 degrees and sunny here yesterday. It could not have been more perfect. We played at the park twice (before AND after naps) and went for a nice, long walk. I think it's safe to say we are suffering a case of Spring Fever.

I took this photo with my cell phone at the park yesterday.

Notice how Davis' pants are rolled (they are too long - 18 months size. But I refuse to buy him 12 month stuff because I know he will just grow out of them so fast) and Addie's pants are high waters. She is definitely having a growth spurt - she eats as much as ME at every meal lately (even out-eats me at breakfast sometimes) and all of her 2T pants and shirts are getting too short. Her nice winter shoes are getting too tight. (Sometimes she says "ouch" when I put them on! I'm like come on, give me ONE more month of use shoes!!!) I'm trying to hold out until April then I can just go and buy some spring clothes that will actually fit her.

So, for future reference, don't judge the mom at the park with the kids in clothes that don't fit. And dirty faces. And snotty noses. It's probably me.


  1. Nathan and I have been watching American Idol too. We recorded the other nights, and watched it last night to see who made it to the top thirteen, and it cut off the last part right before they announced who the final person was that made it. I am SO glad to here it was Anoop. I really like him too. Anyway, nice weather you are having. Can't wait for it to warm up. Bummer when you kids start to grow out of everything. I hate having to go through drawers to pull out all old stuff that doesn't fit. Your kids are very cute. They look so happy outside...

  2. Thanks!! I love American Idol.. I like Anoop but I think my favortie is lil rounds ( I think thats her name).. She has an amazing voice. 70 degrees.. WOW! It was like 65 here the other day and I was in heaven. I want summer here so bad. Your kids are darling!

  3. I was so annoyed because our TiVo cut out the final contestant...which turned out to be two! I knew you and especially Jeremy would be so happy Anoop made it through! I have a serious case of spring fever too! I can't wait for nicer days more often!

  4. That's totally funny that you said not to judge the mom at the park with kids whose clothes don't fit, because I totally do that, and what is funnier is that I am also the mom whose kids clothes don't fit and have snotty noses. Oh well, I guess if I judge them I'm okay with them judging me.

  5. Wow. Those are great pictures. We missed you guys this weekend hanging out with the Hartleys. We need to come visit this summer.

  6. Your little guy is NOT almost one!! HOly crap! I can't believe it!! Cute! My blog is not an invite only...i hate those. Thanks for writing me! Not much around here. Same old stuff. Ryan is just looking for more work like every freakin body out there too. Things aregood though. Talk to you later babe. Ang

  7. 70!! I am so jelous! I am definately feeling the spring fever. Tired of the cold. Your kids are adorable. Hope all is well.
