Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 20

Addie caught a little stomach bug on Tuesday and Tuesday night was up sick. So we had a very low-key day today - lots of movies, puzzles and laying on the couch reading our magazines.

After I had the kids settled downstairs, I went into her room to change her sheets and clean up (I am the only mom who CLOROX WIPES EVERYTHING when their kids has a stomach bug?) and had to take a picture to remember the sweet scene I saw this morning when I went to wake Jeremy for class.

He wanted to stay next to her in case she got sick again in the night, so he made a little bed of quilts on the floor. When I went in this morning, Addie was sleeping on his chest on the floor. It was the sweetest thing. I never could sleep with her on my chest, but they were both sound asleep.

(P.S. Yes, in the picture that is a bowl in case she got sick again and couldn't make it to the bathroom....totally full circle moment as mom because I definitely remember those gross bowls as a kid. Luckily it wasn't needed and STAYED CLEAN!)

Hopefully we are through the worst of it and will be better in time for the weekend!


  1. Poor girl. Hope she is feeling better!

  2. Ha ha, you totally brought back memories for me of the throw-up bowl we had when I was growing up. What a sweet story! She is getting so big!

  3. Again I am sooooo sorry. That looks like a pretty fancy barf bowl. We use a trash can with a bag in it for easier clean up. Jeff only slept on the floor long enough for Lauren to fall back asleep. We are getting too old for sleeping on the floor.

  4. That is the sweetest thing that Jeremy slept in her room all night. What a good Daddy. I hope everything is getting back to normal.

  5. That is SO cute! Doug would never sleep on Dillon's floor! Hope Addie's feeling better!
