Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Photos, Courtesy of Addie

I haven't taken any new photos of the kids in a while, and I need to because **BIG NEWS** Davis got his first tooth!!! It was a little rough on him for one night, but he seems to have settled down. It is totally impossible to even SEE it, though, because he has this amazing reflex with his tongue where I can never get him to move it out of the way long enough to see his new tooth. So just trust me, it's there.

Anyway, Jeremy was looking through our camera the other day and saw this picture:
That's Davis (obviously) and my feet in the background. Jeremy KNEW he didn't take the photo, and that from the placement of my feet it was physically impossible for me to take the photo. Addie was our little culprit! Here are some of the other pictures we found on the camera, courtesy of Addie:

Davis coming....

....Davis going...

And the always popular shot of your own chubby toes. (These are ADDISON'S before I get any wisecracks about my own chubby toes.)

Life with a toddler never ceases to surprise me.


  1. I think that Addie has a career in photography, those are pretty good pictures, especially the chubby toes picture.

  2. Those are hilarious! Dillon is obsessed with the camera too! I love those chubby toes, and I would never say they're yours! You look like a dancer though in the first pic!

  3. I need little kids - they are too fun. How was the zoo?

  4. For a toddler, I would definitely say those pictures qualify as "Fine Art"!

  5. Addy did same things so for her Birthday she got her own plastic camera. And we now have to buy a new one because none of the buttons work on ours, so just be careful.
