Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ode to my KitchenAid

As a result of trying to get my children's sleep (especially Davis) back to some sort of normal routine, we have been home a lot.

Having two kids under two generally means one of them is sleeping at some point. Davis gets up, then Addie gets up, then Davis goes down, then Davis gets up, then they both go get the picture.

So this necessitates a lot of time at home. So I've been experimenting with cooking, something I wish I was better at but like to do. Almost all of the recipes I try use my KitchenAid mixer which was a Christmas present last year.

Some have been great (focaccia bread, for example), some not so great (see tortilla pictures in a previous post).

Most of you know that my little sister is getting married in December. As a result, Jeremy and I are driving home for Thanksgiving and I am staying for the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break to help in all of the shower/wedding/reception preparation.

Yesterday I was making pizza dough (in yes, my KitchenAid) and the thought occured to me that I will be without my beloved mixer for three weeks. I literally use it almost every day. I started scheming ways to throw it in the back of the car for the drive out to Idaho but Jeremy denied that idea pretty quickly.

So this post is dedicated to my mixer. Anybody out there have the same love? Anybody have any great recipes that use the mixer I can try?


  1. I love my KitchenAid mixer! I use it all the time. The only recipe that I love it the most with is my twice baked mashed potatoes or loaded mashed potatoes. It makes them so smooth! Do you have a bread maker? I have a really good pizza dough recipe that I use with that. I am also a bug fan of my crockpot! Matt is finally old enough I am getting back into cooking. I love to try new stuff and have missed it. I hear you about being home due to kids and sleep.

  2. Natalie! I am so glad you found me. I totally didn't know you were a mommy of 2... They are adorable. I love their bedding too. How are you guys? Where are you living? I would love to hear from you!

  3. I love my kitchenaid! How are you guys? It looks like you are adjusting well to the new area. You will love that maize pumpkin patch place. Jake's Aunt and Uncle own a maize where we just moved from. It is so fun!

  4. I want a KitchenAid mixer sooo bad! I think they are pretty and it will magically make me a good cook. It is unfortunately in the "after graduate school" categor, along with a sewing machine and other items I covet.
